Main Street Macro: The next Fed rate cut might disappoint



July 22, 2024

MainStreet Macro: The next Fed rate cut might disappoint. Here’s why.

The recent slowdown in inflation has left market watchers more confident that Federal Reserve policymakers will cut interest rates at least once this year. What’s harder to predict is how those rate cuts might affect the economy.
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July 19, 2024

Finding a job has gotten harder, especially for jobs that require a bachelor’s degree

by Ben Hanowell

It’s getting more difficult for workers with college degrees to land a job that aligns with their education.
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Radar plot comparing four metros on wages, affordability, and hiring rate
Radar plot comparing four metros on wages, affordability, and hiring rate

June 24, 2024

You’ve graduated. Now what?

by Sam AdiezeBen Hanowell

When it comes to the combination of recent graduate wages, hiring, and affordability, we found big differences between metro areas. The highest-ranking metros might surprise you.
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A line chart showing an ominous downward trend... what could it mean for software developers? Meant to be a featured image for a post.
A line chart showing an ominous downward trend... what could it mean for software developers? Meant to be a featured image for a post.

June 17, 2024

The rise—and fall—of the software developer

by Jeff Nezaj

Since the rise of the internet, software developers have commanded big salaries and valuable perks. But something has shifted since the pandemic.
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It’s almost summer! Who’s hiring and who’s paying? Data Lab digs into the state of young workers this season.
It’s almost summer! Who’s hiring and who’s paying? Data Lab digs into the state of young workers this season.

June 12, 2024

Lazy days? Not this summer

by Liv Wang

Lazy days? Not for young workers this summer. Hiring is up and pay is strong. To celebrate the season, here are some new numbers from Data Lab.
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March 21, 2024

We have a champion!

by Jeff Nezaj

The Business Card Bracket winners are here

In the latest issue of Today at Work, the ADP Research Institute challenged readers to fill out our Business Card Bracket, a game that pits common job titles against each other for the championship.

So, which job title was most commonly used in the United States last year? Did ...

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Line chart using ADP and BLS data to show that teacher demand outstrips supply
Line chart using ADP and BLS data to show that teacher demand outstrips supply

March 11, 2024

With teachers, the law of supply and demand isn’t working

by Jeff Nezaj

We use ADP data to look at teacher supply and demand, and how that tracks with teacher salary competitiveness.
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A line chart depicting registered nurse supply growth (employment growth from ADP data) vs. demand growth (from JOLTS job openings for health and social assistance jobs)
A line chart depicting registered nurse supply growth (employment growth from ADP data) vs. demand growth (from JOLTS job openings for health and social assistance jobs)

December 12, 2023

Occupation spotlight: Registered nurses

by Jeff Nezaj

In this post, we look at the employment and wages of registered nurses to obtain a clearer picture of what's happening in this occupation.
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