Main Street Macro: The next Fed rate cut might disappoint



July 22, 2024

MainStreet Macro: The next Fed rate cut might disappoint. Here’s why.

The recent slowdown in inflation has left market watchers more confident that Federal Reserve policymakers will cut interest rates at least once this year. What’s harder to predict is how those rate cuts might affect the economy.
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Radar plot comparing four metros on wages, affordability, and hiring rate
Radar plot comparing four metros on wages, affordability, and hiring rate

June 24, 2024

You’ve graduated. Now what?

by Sam AdiezeBen Hanowell

When it comes to the combination of recent graduate wages, hiring, and affordability, we found big differences between metro areas. The highest-ranking metros might surprise you.
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A line chart showing an ominous downward trend... what could it mean for software developers? Meant to be a featured image for a post.
A line chart showing an ominous downward trend... what could it mean for software developers? Meant to be a featured image for a post.

June 17, 2024

The rise—and fall—of the software developer

by Jeff Nezaj

Since the rise of the internet, software developers have commanded big salaries and valuable perks. But something has shifted since the pandemic.
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May 22, 2024

Long-distance work and compensation

by Issi Romem, Ph.D.

Long-distance work didn’t begin with the coronavirus lockdown; people were collaborating between offices well before then.
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Share of workers who feel they are paid unfairly, by global region.
Share of workers who feel they are paid unfairly, by global region.

March 12, 2024

It’s not the size of your paycheck. It’s how you feel about it.

by Mary Hayes, Ph.D.Jared Northup

The ADP Research Institute’s annual Global Workplace Study looks at data from 28,000 workers in 28 countries who responded to the following statement: “My pay is fair for the work I do.”
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March 7, 2024

Long-distance work and domestic offshoring

by Issi Romem, Ph.D.

ADP data shows how long-distance working relationships are concentrating leadership in metro areas with expensive housing.
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Cross-metro workers' share of employment. Shows share of workers who are cross-metro by month-year compared to pre-pandemic trend. Source: ADP payroll and HR data.
Cross-metro workers' share of employment. Shows share of workers who are cross-metro by month-year compared to pre-pandemic trend. Source: ADP payroll and HR data.

November 8, 2023

The growing prevalence of cross-metropolitan work

by Issi Romem, Ph.D.

Collaborating on work from different places is nothing new, but the normalization of remote work during the Covid-19 pandemic has helped take the phenomenon to a whole new level, a shift that ADP data is uniquely well positioned to study.
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May 23, 2023

Domestic offshoring: How housing costs are sorting work across U.S. cities

by Issi Romem, Ph.D.

Economic and political power has historically been concentrated in a small number of command-and-control cities, which serve as nerve centers for business, ideas, and influence. In recent decades, a growing regional divide between costly and affordable U.S. cities has been joined by technological innovations that make it easier for people in different places to collaborate.
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May 23, 2023

Domestic offshoring: A city-by-city analysis

by Issi Romem, Ph.D.

Throughout history, economic and political power has concentrated in key cities, hubs of business, technology, ideas, and influence that thrive as command-and-control centers of the broader economy. Now a transformation is underway.
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