Main Street Macro: The next Fed rate cut might disappoint



July 22, 2024

MainStreet Macro: The next Fed rate cut might disappoint. Here’s why.

The recent slowdown in inflation has left market watchers more confident that Federal Reserve policymakers will cut interest rates at least once this year. What’s harder to predict is how those rate cuts might affect the economy.
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March 1, 2022

Inclusion at Work Summit: DEI Study Overview


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October 25, 2021

Gender Identity in ConnectionXPS Research

by Dr. Mary Hayes, Dr. Frances Chumney, Marcus Buckingham

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October 20, 2021

Measuring the I in DEI

by Dr. Mary Hayes, Dr. Frances Chumney, Marcus Buckingham

Learn how to measure a person’s feeling of being seen, heard, and valued in the workplace.
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October 20, 2021

The ConnectionXPS and Key Findings

by Dr. Mary Hayes, Dr. Frances Chumney, Marcus Buckingham

Do you have a valid, reliable approach to measure inclusiveness within your organization? Is creating an environment where your employees feel heard, seen, and valued important to your organization and its leadership team? This Study from ADP Research Institute will serve to help organizations round out the understanding of their progress as they strive to ...

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October 20, 2021

Measuring Connection

by Dr. Mary Hayes, Dr. Frances Chumney, Marcus Buckingham

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