Main Street Macro: The next Fed rate cut might disappoint


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July 19, 2024

Finding a job has gotten harder, especially for jobs that require a bachelor’s degree

It’s getting more difficult for workers with college degrees to land a job that aligns with their education.
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Global engagement rose in 2023 to a record high of 18%.
Global engagement rose in 2023 to a record high of 18%.

March 26, 2024

Employee engagement is up. Hybrid work – and teamwork – deserve the credit

by Mary Hayes, Ph.D.Jared Northup

Employee engagement hit a record high in 2023, but we found big variations based on geography, remote work, and teams.
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March 21, 2024

We have a champion!

by Jeff Nezaj

The Business Card Bracket winners are here

In the latest issue of Today at Work, the ADP Research Institute challenged readers to fill out our Business Card Bracket, a game that pits common job titles against each other for the championship.

So, which job title was most commonly used in the United States last year? Did ...

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Employee Motivation and Commitment Index - March 2024
Employee Motivation and Commitment Index - March 2024

March 19, 2024

Employee sentiment rose in March 

by ADP Research

The Employee Motivation and Commitment Index ended the first quarter of 2024 on a high note, rising to 119 in March.
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Share of workers who feel they are paid unfairly, by global region.
Share of workers who feel they are paid unfairly, by global region.

March 12, 2024

It’s not the size of your paycheck. It’s how you feel about it.

by Mary Hayes, Ph.D.Jared Northup

The ADP Research Institute’s annual Global Workplace Study looks at data from 28,000 workers in 28 countries who responded to the following statement: “My pay is fair for the work I do.”
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Line chart using ADP and BLS data to show that teacher demand outstrips supply
Line chart using ADP and BLS data to show that teacher demand outstrips supply

March 11, 2024

With teachers, the law of supply and demand isn’t working

by Jeff Nezaj

We use ADP data to look at teacher supply and demand, and how that tracks with teacher salary competitiveness.
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An image showing that the share managerial hires who are Gen Z grew from 6.4 to 13.9 from 2019 to 2023 while the share of all managers who are Gen Z grew from 0.9 to 3 percent.
An image showing that the share managerial hires who are Gen Z grew from 6.4 to 13.9 from 2019 to 2023 while the share of all managers who are Gen Z grew from 0.9 to 3 percent.

March 10, 2024

Look who got promoted! (No, it’s not mom or dad)

by Ben Hanowell

In four short years, Gen Z grew its footprint in the workforce at a rapid pace. ADP data shows us just how rapid.
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March 7, 2024

Long-distance work and domestic offshoring

by Issi Romem, Ph.D.

ADP data shows how long-distance working relationships are concentrating leadership in metro areas with expensive housing.
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February 22, 2024

People are working less. Who – and why?

by Liv Wang

While the post-pandemic job recovery was strong, it was accompanied by a rise in part-time labor and a decline in median hours worked. We use ADP data to see who's working fewer hours since 2019.
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